Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Promiscuous Amnesia

Alias used below: "Don" is a guy a dated for a couple years, was in the Army, from/lives in the Midwest.

A couple weeks ago I was watching the Mets play the Phillies with my husband. I always have the same memory when I see the Mets - about the one time I stood on the field while the first pitch was thrown, walked through the hallway by the lockerroom, past all the ridiculously tall baseball players (seriously, they're taller than they look), and then proceeded to get drunk in the [Famous Car Maker] club box for the night. It's one of my only claims to fame, lol.

Anyway, I think I said to him, I know I told you about that time I stood on the field for the first pitch… and he was like, um, no, you didn't. So then I told him. Then he was like, is this the time you got to be in the club box? Yes. So he was like, all, 15 year old girl-like, "Was this with your rich ex Don?" BAHAHA. Am I the only one who finds that funny? A - Don was not rich, nor should anything I ever would have said about him lead my husband to believe that he was, so I have no idea where that came from. B - Why did he pick Don of all my exes? I think he has this weird idea of Don that is just so inaccurate it's comical. C - Um, Don did not live anywhere near NYC/NJ. So after I burst out laughing in his face, I said no, not Don. Then I told him that I didn't remember the guy's name. Then he was like, "Whatever, obviously you remember his name." He didn't believe me, but it's totally true. His name was Bagel Boy. All I remember is that's what I called him, that's what he was in my phone as, that's what all my friends called him. He worked at a bagel shop right next to a place I worked one summer, and I met him there. We dated for a few months, nothing major. Great sex, though, if I recall. He ended up SUPER falling for me, and I was over it and broke his heart. Meh.

I do remember we went to some fun places while we dated. Namely that Mets game and the US Open - TWICE. Once in the nosebleeds, once in the [Famous Car Maker] box. Oh, right, the story is that his best friend's dad was a higher up at [Famous Car Maker] so we got to go in these boxes and get drunk and also watch said best friend's dad throw out the first pitch at the Mets game. The end.

So it's true, I really don't remember the guy's name. I *think* it may have been Ryan, after thinking about it for a while, but I'm only like 60% on that. I couldn't tell you his last name if my life depended on it, that's for sure.

Everybody's got that one guy they dated or at least slept with they can't remember their name, right? Surely it's not just me… but it sure makes me feel slutty thinking about the others I can't remember names for. Only the aliases that I gave them.