Friday, July 1, 2011

Well, Well, Well...

What have we here? I got the bright idea recently to start an anonymous blog (one that my mom, husband, and in-laws don't read).

Why ? Because I randomly remember a funny hookup story or want to write something vulgar on my other blog and I can't really post either on there. I don't want my mom and in-laws (and a lot of other people) to know my funny sex stories. Also, my husband gets jealous. I wish I could be like "Oh man, I just randomly remembered that time I had sex in every building on campus! That was fun." and he'd be cool with it, but... he's not. And... you are.

That being said - if I sent this blog to you it means I trust you completely. It doesn't necessarily mean I don't trust others completely, but some people have this problem where they tell their significant others EVERYTHING and maybe I don't trust their significant others not to blurt something out to mine in a drunken moment. So, I hope you feel honored. This is like our own little secret fort... and, hey, if any of you want to share a funny story you just let me know and we'll make it happen.

ALL that being said - I'd now like for you to take an oath of silence for me. Promise me you will never retell my stories in a malevolent way. I.E. defamation of any sort. Like, to my mom, husband, or in-laws. My followers and comments are hidden (you can still comment, but only I will see it). It's to protect us all. If you can't handle taking this oath, let me know now and I'll be glad to take you off. Not jerk you off, take you off.

AAAnd it begins...

What's with the name?  It randomly came to me last night out of nowhere. FSNW also is so close to NSFW it's perfect. And some of the content may not be safe for work. I have a dirty mind and a dirty past, but I'm not vulgar, so we'll see how that goes. Also, I wouldn't go so far as to actually call myself a slut, but I may have had slutty tendencies once upon a time. Also, "Free Spirited, Sex Loving, Make Out Whore" didn't fit as well.

The first story is a quick one. Just like when it actually happened (bah-dum-ch). Since I already mentioned it, we'll go with the one where I had sex with my ex in every public building on campus. I "dated" (we'll use that term verrrry loosely) this guy my freshman year in college. Basically all that meant was we had sex every night and never went anywhere together in public. We, uh, "broke up" for summer break, and I got a boyfriend in the process, so our nightly sexing ended. Somehow we ended up having sex every year we were at school, though. You know, random ex sex. It was fun. In our last semester of senior year we decided (pretty sure it was his idea) we were going to have sex in every public building on campus. I am also pretty sure he thought I'd be too scared to do it, but I showed him! Also, worth noting, I was TRYING to date this other guy at the time, but we weren't official yet and I had no idea where it was going at that point, so I was like, shit, what the hell - this'll be a story to tell my grandkids someday! Or not. Just you guys. So, yes, we were successful. I think all in all it took about 2 months to get all our conjugal visits in. First stop was the classroom we met freshman year. Right on the desk. There were a few bathrooms and classrooms here and there along the way, but I don't remember all the sexy details now. The only other part that sticks out is the time we did in the library. During finals. Meaning there were like 800 people in the library, and it was SILENT. We were looking for a random empty aisle of books to do it in, but ended up doing it on the steps leading up to the roof. And thennnn as I was nonchalantly walking away and back to my studies, I noticed I had a little... something... on my jeans. Not sure if anyone else saw, but we almost got kicked out because we were laughing so hard. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure I got some funny looks in the bathroom as I was trying to clean it off...

Funny side story - he recently defriended me on facebook. WTF?! You better believe I sent him a message asking just that. No response. I'm thinking his girlfriend was all, "You have to defiend anyone you had sex with in campus buildings." and I made the short list.